1500 - 1800 | Registration |
1800 - 2000 |
Excursion to the Observatory. Reception à la fourchette |
800 - 900 | Registration |
900 - 1000 | Opening (Welcome addresses, Inauguration of memorial board, Common photo) |
Section “Solar system bodies I”
Chairman G.I. Pinigin |
1000 - 1030 |
Erik Høg Brief status report on the Gaia space astrometry mission |
1030 - 1100 |
D. Hestroffer, W. Thuillot Observations of asteroids with Gaia and beyond |
1100 - 1130 |
Coffee-break |
Section “Solar system bodies II”
Chairman W. Thuillot |
1130 - 1200 |
D. Bancelin Near Earth Asteroids astrometry with Gaia and beyond |
1200 - 1230 |
Z. Aslan, R. Gumerov, A. Ivantsov, L. Hudkova, I. Khamitov, G. Pinigin, A. Galeev Astrometry and Photometry of Asteroids at the RTT150 Telescope I. Khamitov. Is TUG ready on GAIA follow up? |
1230 - 1300 |
Z. Eker
Two New Telescopes at TUBITAK National Observatory for Gaıa Follow up |
1300 - 1500 |
Lunch Time |
Section “Solar system bodies III”
Chairman Z. Aslan |
1500 - 1520 |
J.W. Jin, Q. Peng, Zh. Tang et al. Programs of observing small celestial bodies in the Solar system by small telescopes in China |
1520 - 1540 |
D.F. Lupishko Method of polarimetry in remote sensing studies of asteroids |
1540 - 1600 |
Yu.A. Chernetenko, A.V. Ivantsov
Masses of asteroids 10 Hygiea and 152 Atala |
1600 - 1700 |
Coffee-break, Workshop meeting, Poster session |
Cultural events |
Section “Research of Near-Earth Space”
Chairman N. Koshkin |
900 – 920 |
V.F. Kulishenko
Radiomethods for research of near-Earth space and Solar system |
920 - 940 |
A.V. Shulga, E.S. Kozyrev, A.N. Kovalchuk et al.
The complex of robotic telescopes for observation of Earth's artificial satellites and near-Earth objects |
940 – 1000 |
TANG Zheng-Hong, MAO Yin-Dun, LI Yan, YU Yong, ZHANG Xu-Dong
Observational results of some space debris with rotating-drift-scan CCD; ZHANG Zhong-Ping, YANG Fu-Min, ZHANG Hai-Feng, ZHU Neng-Hong Introduction of Chinese SLR network |
1000 - 1020 |
Bogdanovskiy A.N., Polyakov A.L., V. Ryhalskiy, V. Lopachenko, A. Bryukhovetskiy, A.M. Kozhukhov
Research of the near-Earth space with optical means of the National Center of Control and Test of Space Facilities |
1020 - 1040 |
Ya. Blahodyr, K. Martynyuk-Lototsky, A. Bilinsky, N. Virun, Ye. Vovchyk., A. Kurylo Scientific and research complex of instruments for observations of artificial satellites |
1040 – 1100 |
Yu. I. Voloshchuk
Influence of apparatus factor of visibility on the density of meteoroids streams with taking into account conditions of crossing of middle orbits of meteor swarms with the orbit of Earth |
1100 - 1300 |
Coffee-break, Workshop meeting, Poster session |
1300 - 1500 |
Lunch Time |
Section “VO Tools in Astronomical Research”
Chairman I.B. Vavilova |
1500 - 1520 |
W. Thuillot,,D. Hestroffer, J. Berthier, J. Aboudarham, P. Le Sidaner, F. Le Petit
Activities of the VO Paris Data Center |
1520 - 1540 |
O. Malkov, O. Dluzhnevskaya, O. Bartunov, I. Zolotukhin International Virtual Observatory: 10 years later |
1540 - 1600 |
I.B. Vavilova
National Virtual Observatory (UkrVO). Conception |
1600 - 1620 |
A.E. Mazhaev, Yu.I. Protsyuk
Astronomical database and VO-tools of Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory |
1620 - 1640 |
L. Pakuliak
The online plate archive: the first step to the national VO |
1640 - 1800 |
Coffee-break, Workshop meeting, Poster session |
1900 - 2100 |
Workshop Dinner |
900 - 930 |
E. Høg. 400 Years of Astrometry: From Tycho Brahe to Hipparcos or E. Høg. From an Experiment in 1925 to the Hipparcos and Gaia Space Missions |
930 - 1130 |
Poster Review
Chairman D.F. Lupishko |
930 - 945 |
P.N. Fedorov. Poster #9 |
945 - 1000 |
V.Ryl’kov. Poster #32-34 |
1000 - 1015 |
S.A. Chernous. Poster #7-8 |
1015 - 1025 |
Yu.M. Gorbanev. Poster #10 |
1025 - 1035 |
V.I. Kudak. Poster #19, 26 |
1035 - 1100 |
Poster Review |
1100 - 1200 |
Coffee-break |
1200 - 1300 | General discussion |
Departure |
Poster presentations
Astronomical television complex of the Science Research Institute "Crimean Astrophysical Observatory" and methods of observations.
Creation of interactive database of observations of AGN in CrAO.
Modernization of the guiding mounting for observations of artificial satellites of Earth.
Determination of rotation period and orientation Ajisai-type satellite from CCD-photometry.
Investigation the effects of ionospheric disturbances over the earthquake preparation zones and the phenomena preceded to the arrival of seismic waves have occurred during the years 2004-2009 in Nikolaev.
Ñomparison of different distance functions for similarity of orbits.
Application of the EMCCD cameras for observation of aurora and nightglow in Arctic region research.
Priority of astronomer Josef Sykora in obtaining of well documented photographic images and spectra of aurora in Arctic region during Spitsbergen expedition in 1899-1900.
The XPM Catalogue as a realisation of the extragalactic reference system in optical and near infrared range.
TV meteors angular velocity and radiant coordinates determination using Stanyukovich method.
The fiirst resuts of astrometry and photometry plates from Kiyv university observatory photograph collection, digitized by the scaner microtek scanmaker 9800xl tma
Lunar occultations of stars as one of methods of kinematics of multiple stars.
Astronomical heritage of Ukraine in world time space.
Project of IR reference catalogue compilation on the base of IR/optical cross-identifications.
Selector of longitudinal modes for formation of space polarization modulation laser signals.
Search of New Asteroids and TNOs Using Observations of the Short Period of Time.
O.Orlov and the history Pip Ivan observatory (to the 130th birth anniversary O.Orlov).
About realization and joint reduction of astrometric net observations of LEO in Ukraine.
Effect of influence of Moon disturbing force on period of own rotation of "MIDAS" satellites
Astrometry of dynamically new distant comets with the 2-m telescope of Peak Terskol observatory
Fractals in the geometric configurations of satellite (asteroid) systems.
The results of photometrical observations of F9402 (1999 AP10) asteroid with AZT-8 telescope.
Using VO tools for investigation of stars with high-proper motions.
First result of data reduction of Nikolaev photoplate achive.
Determination of Geostationary Satellite Location Using Diversed Base Optical Devices.
Use telescope TPl-1M for elektrophotormetrycal and positional observations of satellites.
DBGPA-UKRVO: software for plate image manipulation.
Automation of Telescope Time Scheduling.
How many satellites are discovered in the Solar System after Galileo.
First observations of artificial satellites and space devices at the Science Research Institute "Crimean Astrophysical Observatory".
Delopment of the television method of astronomical observations in the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.
A compiled catalogue of reference stars for optical observations of the extragalactic radio sources. New additions.
Positions of Pluto calculated at Pulkovo for 1930 – 1996.
Analysis of stellar proper motions obtained with normal astrograph.
The use of virtual tools in research of close double systems.
Automatic detection faint celestial objects by means of low aperture telescopes.
First results of a network of telescopes MESU monitoring space debris.
Catalogue of positions and orbit elements of geosynchronous Earth's artificial satellites.
Observations and theoretical analysis of light curves of mutual phenomena in the satellite systems of major planets.
Once more about space debris.