Impressions of my life |
2015-04-20 09:52:43
From memoirs of director of Nikolaev Observatory B. P. Ostashenko-Kudryavtsev / edited by Zh. A. Pozhalova
The book includes some previously unpublished memoirs of the third director of Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory (1909-1923) Boris P. Ostashenko-Kudryavtsev. They contain interesting descriptions of life in pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg, expeditionary travels to Kursk Province and England at the end of the XIX century, as well as individual episodes of the author's stay in Nikolaev at the first half of the XX century.
The first astronomer of the Black Sea Fleet - Karl Friedrich von Knorre |
2013-11-19 14:23:18
The book describes the main stages of life and work of the famous astronomer, the first director of Nikolaev marine and astronomical observatory - Karl Friedrich von Knorre. Having lived for 51 years in Nikolaev, K. Knorre retired. He made a brilliant career, from a student of Dorpat University to the privy councilor (Vice-Admiral). K. Knorre promoted the development of the Black Sea Fleet by tense and selfless labour. He provided navigational maps and advanced equipment for marine officers. He also trained the marine officers on methods of celestial navigation.
Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory in the first half of XX century |
2012-05-07 15:12:31
The book describes the main stages in the lives, scientific and social activities of famous astronomers and directors of Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory in the first half of XX century, Boris Pavlovich Ostaschenko-Kudryavtzev and Leonid Ivanovich Semenov, who led the Observatory when it became the Nikolaev department of Main Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo. The book is intended for scientific workers and all those that interested in the history of astronomy at the time of its formation in one of the oldest observatories in Ukraine in Nikolaev city.
Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory, 190 years |
2012-02-16 12:59:19
The book contains scientific, methodological and technical aspects of research of near-Earth space astrometry of stars and small Solar system bodies, as well as some of the issues of historical and astronomical studies, which were discussed at the international conference "Astronomical research: from near-Earth space to the Galaxy", dedicated to the 190 anniversary of the observatory. The conference was held on 26-29 September 2011 in Nikolaev, Ukraine.
Abstract book “Astronomical research: from near-Earth space to the Galaxy” |
2012-02-16 12:47:02
The International Conference “Astronomical research: from near-Earth space to the Galaxy” (NAO190) will be held in Research Institute “Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory”, Mykolaiv, Ukraine on September 26-29, 2011. It is devoted to the celebration of 190 anniversary of Observatory. It is organized to discuss the cooperation in research of near-Earth objects, contemporary observations of stars and asteroids, the use of virtual technologies in astrometry. Some aspects of history of Nikolaev Observatory is also discussed.
Abstract Book NAO2010 |
2011-03-15 11:28:27
The International Workshop “Methods and Instruments in Astronomy: from Galileo Telescopes to Space Projects” (NAO2010) will be held in Research Institute “Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory”, Nikolaev, Ukraine on May 17-20, 2010. It is organized to discuss the international projects in research of Solar system small bodies and the near-Earth artificial bodies. Application of virtual observatory tools in various fields of Astronomy and Astrophysics is also discussed.
The Dynasty of Knorre Astronomers |
2011-01-19 14:57:53
This book describes the main stages in the lives, scientific and social activities of famous astronomers making up the Knorre dynasty, who lived and worked from the end of the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century in Russia, Estonia, Ukraine, Germany and France.
Äèíàñòèÿ àñòðîíîìîâ Êíîððå |
2010-08-18 16:10:56
Knorre's Dynasty of Astronomers
Nikolaev: Irina Gudym's Publisher, 2009. - 148 p.
This book summarizes research of the Knorre's Dynasty of Astronomers, who worked in the period of the 18th-20th centuries in Russia, Estonia, Germany, Ukraine, France. The book is written in Russian. |
Karl Knorre, Premier Astronome de la Flotte de Mer Noire |
2010-08-18 15:50:07
G.M. Petrov, G.I.Pinigin, Nikolaev, Ukraine, 2007. - 100 p.Translation from Russian into French of the book, entitled "Karl Knorre, First Astronomer of the Black Sea Navy" was made in collaboration with Knorre's offsprings, namely Suzanne Heral and Serge Prat, who live in France. The book was greatly enlarged and improved in the course of preparation. In 2007, it was published by Irina Gudym's publishing office.
Ivan Kortazzi – Astronomer of the Black Sea Fleet |
2010-08-18 13:39:06
Ivan Kortazzi – Astronomer of the Black Sea Fleet,
G. Petrov, G. Pinigin, Nikolaev: Atoll, 2006. – 128 p.
Ivan Kortazzi was the well-known astronomer and director of the Naval Astronomical Observatory in Nikolaev. The basic stages of his life as well as scientific and organizational activities are reflected in the book. Kortazzi's activity was multifaceted. He made a significant contribution to the development of astronomy and related sciences such as geodesy, geophysics, and hydrography. E.Kortazzi's activity on the post of director of the observatory within 30 years is a vivid example of self-sacrificing service to a science.
Practical Training in Astronomy |
2010-08-18 13:34:51
edited by G. Pinigin, Nikolaev: Atoll, 2005. – 128 p.The textbook was written by employees of the Main Astronomical Observatory (Pulkovo, Russia) and NAO (Ukraine). It contains educational materials in the Sun research, description of a time service in astronomy, methods of positional determinations of celestial objects, methods of astro photography and CCD astronomy. The textbook is written in Russian.
Karl Knorre - First Astronomer of the Black Sea Navy |
2010-08-18 13:29:05
written by G.Petrov, G.Pinigin; published by Atol Publisher, Nikolaev, 84 p.
Series of bibliography books was continued in 2004 with this book. Main life stages and scientific activities of a well known astronomer, Karl Knorre are depicted in the book. He was the first director of the Naval Observatory and astronomical observatory later. The book is written for scientists and all who are interested in the history of astronomy. The book is written in Russian.
2010-08-18 13:14:00
A bibliography book was published by Atol Publisher in 2003, namely: Doomed to Love the Astronomy written by G.Petrov.
Extension and Connection of Reference Frames Using Ground-Based CCD Technique |
2010-08-18 13:08:01
The proceedings of the international conference, titled:
Extension and Connection of Reference Frames Using Ground-Based CCD Technique
were published in 2001 by Atol Publisher, Nikolaev. The book includes scientifical, methodical, and technical papers on the following topics: extension of optical reference frame to the faint stars, accuracy improvement of connection between optical reference frame and radio reference system, research of dynamical and physical properties of the solar system minor bodies and near-Earth objects, upgrade and development. |
Application of CCD-Methods for Exploration of the Solar System Bodies |
2010-08-18 13:01:24
were published in 2000 by Atol Publisher, Nikolaev, 112 p.
The proceedings includes scientifical, methodical, and technical aspects of research of the solar system bodies with the help of CCD-methods, which were discussed at the international scientific conference "Research of the Solar System Bodies by CCD-methods" on June 21- 23, 1999. In addition, the papers which differ from the topics of the conference were also included in the proceedings. The book is written in Ukrainian, Russian and English languages.
Ground-Based Optical Astrometrical Telescopes |
2010-08-18 12:52:07
The textbook Ground-Based Optical Astrometrical Telescopes was written by G.Pinigin and published by Atol Publisher, Nikolaev, 104 p., in 2000. Equipment of the ground-based optical astrometry is presented. Descriptions of modern meridian telescopes of different designs and CCD-astrographs on parallactical mount are given.